( 48-031) “12th
Tactical Fighter Wing Phantoms” covers thirteen USAF F-4C Phantoms from Cam
Ranh Bay airbase during the Vietnam War, all in 1/48 scale and all with nose
art. The aircraft covered include:
F-4C 64-0704, 559th
TFS, 12th TFW, 1968 Commander’s aircraft, “SHEHASTA” nose art.
F-4C 63-7604, 557th
TFS, 12th TFW, 1968 Commander’s aircraft ,“SUGARFOOT” nose art.
F-4C 63-7688, 557th
TFS, 1968 ,“JOLTIN’ JOSIE” nose art
F-4C 63-7534, 557th
TFS, 1968 , “MYSTIC SKATER” nose art
F-4C 64-0770, 391st
TFS, 1968 ,“JEANNIE” nose art
F-4C 63-7432, 558th TFS, 1968 , ”GOAT
ROPER” nose art
F-4C 63-7675, 557th
TFS, 1968 , “TRICK VICS” nose art
F-4C 64-0725, 557th
TFS, 1968 , “SANDY BAY-BEE” nose art
F-4C 63-7708, 559th
TFS, 1968 , “HALF FAST” nose art
F-4C 64-0804, 559th
TFS, 1968 , “SATAN’S CHARIOT” nose art
F-4C 64-0741, 391st
TFS, 1968, “BUNKIE BATTLER” nose art
F-4C 64-0726, 557th
TFS, 1968, “THE SNAKE” nose art
F-4C 64-0665, 557th
TFS, 1968, “HELL’S ANGEL” nose with large VMFA-323 ZAP